GRAMMAR -Lesson 7

TO BE (formas interrogativa y negativa)

Am I ?                  Soy? Estoy?
Are you ?             etc.
Is he ?
Is she ?
Is it ... ?
Are we ... ?
Are you ... ?
Are they ...

I am not                  No soy, No estoy
You are not             etc.
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not

Are you a teacher?                      ¿Es usted profesor?
Are Bob and Bill engineers?        ¿Son Bob y Bill ingenieros?
Is the secretary in the office?      ¿Está la secretaria en la oficina?
I am not a teacher.                      No soy profesor.
The box is not under the table.     La caja no está debajo de la mesa.
They are not in the garden.         No están en el jardín.


En la lengua hablada, not suele contraerse con el verbo to be, dando lugar a las siguientes formas:

is not > isn't                  are not > aren't

She isn't a typist. (Ella) no es mecanógrafa.
Bill and Bob aren't in the office. Bill y Bob no están en la oficina.
